Monday, November 01, 2004


The evening was balmy, dark and mysterious, with the sounds of voices coming from various directions as we crackled through the mounds of dead leaves at the side of the road. Ahead we saw lights and the strange shapes of children in Halloween costumes: little devils, witches, fairies, a miniature footballer and an even smaller crocodile, a very tall Frankenstein. All carried large bags for collecting the treats which they knew would be handed out at any house they visited.

Through the darkness the lights from the houses gleamed through the trees, and at most front doors the light of a candle glowed dimly through a carved pumpkin face. A few homes were brightly lit with strings of orange lights, or had rows of lit up pumpkins along the sides of the driveway or up the steps to the front verandah, but a few had outdone themselves to create the Halloween atmosphere.

From one house, eerie sounds emanated, and although there weren't many lights on, we could see a dim light from the front room. Along with many other people, we crowded up the steps and into the house, but it took a while to be able to work our way to the main attraction. The room was filled with some kind of smoke and kids and adults jostled for position, but eventually we filtered through to the back corner where a grey haired figure with a white painted face and blood red lips was slowly raising itself to a sitting position in a coffin. This elderly man, whose own kids are now adults, has been recreating this scene since at least 1988.

A few houses further along the street, coloured lights outlined the arch over the gate and some other objects in the garden, beckoning us to investigate further. We found a body in a shallow grave just inside, and above us, on the verandah, a ghost illuminated with ultraviolet light. Along the verandah, a man-sized hairy monster with huge clawed hands sat in a chair, moving its head up and down, opening and closing its claws and giving out treats to any child brave enough to come close. We weren't sure if it was a real person, or a remote controlled robotic figure as the lady of the house claimed. Many of the plants in the garden were draped with enormous cobwebs, and carved pumpkins and other suitable accoutrements were dotted about.

At another house, many pumpkins decorated the verandah, while above the steps was a row of blinking lights in the shape of large eyeballs. Around the corner in the next street, we found what we thought at first was a party because of the loud music playing and the number of people moving around. However, large signs proclaimed it to be the "Garrett Traylir Park", and another sign directed us to the "Manigmint Offerse". In keeping with the "trailer trash" theme, guitar pickin' music was playing, accompanied by a real guitarist sitting on the steps, barrels of hooch were off to the side, and piles of laundry were piled up in front of the older man slouched in a chair. Meanwhile several people danced to the music.

Most other houses weren't so extravagant in their decorations, but nearly all displayed at least one carved and lit pumpkin, and without doubt, all had plenty of chocolate bars to give out as treats to everyone who came knocking.


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